To understand Web3, one needs to recognize not only how it aims to differ from the previous generation of web-based services, but also the functional equivalence between traditional and digital bureaucratization, or manual vs. automated bureaucracies. Both are based on formal rules of procedure (protocol) but whereas the former relies on human intermediaries (‘middlemen’) to perform administrative functions such as keeping information records and facilitating transactions in reference to these records, the latter pushes humans to the edges by replacing manual administration with computers and software. This results in more technological intermediation or, as I’ve come to call it, middlemachines.
Read moreHow Crypto Is Shaping the Digital Revolution
I have previously categorized ’crypto’ – a catch-all for blockchain- and Web3-related innovation – as part of the Digital Revolution that started around the late 1960s to early 1970s with the invention of packet-switched networks, microprocessors, and other digital technologies that enabled the proliferation of personal computers and the Internet. I would like to expand on that by:
Providing a brief theoretical outline of the two main stages of technological revolutions;
Comparing the organizational and institutional shifts of the previous revolution (centered around oil, automobiles, and mass production) with those of the current one (centered around digital information and communications technology) as imagined during the dot-com era (late 1990s, early 2000s); and
Discussing how ’crypto’ as a techno-populist reform movement and innovation cluster is shaping global institutions and governance as the Digital Revolution matures.
Throughout the text, I will be using ’ICT’ as a shorthand for digital information and communications technology, and ’ICT Revolution’ as a shorthand for the Digital Revolution. From here on, quotation marks around the word ’crypto’ will be omitted, while still referring not just to cryptography, but to all blockchain- and Web3-related innovation. Readers familiar with Carlota Perez’s theory of techno-economic paradigm shifts may skip the first section.
Read moreScaling Ethereum with zkSync
zkSync best preserves the properties that have made Ethereum successful thus far: decentralization, security, composability, capital efficiency, and instant withdrawals. At the same time, it minimizes the disruption faced by developers who are used to building contracts for the EVM. As a result, we believe zkSync is the L2 that paves the smoothest path to scaling DeFi, NFTs, and all other innovations happening on Ethereum. Before we get into specifics, it’s worth reflecting on how we got here. This discussion points to the conclusion that the challenge ahead is not only to scale, but to do so in a way that safeguards the core properties that got Ethereum this far.
Read moreElement Thesis
Yield is one of the most important primitives in financial markets. Alongside gains, it’s an expression of investment profits. But where gains stem from changes in the price of an asset – and are only realized when the asset is sold – yield is a measure of cash flows generated and distributed to the asset’s holder. While they are separate phenomena, yield informs the price of an asset and vice versa. Element is a protocol that allows developers and investors to harness the power of yield in their applications and strategies.
Read moreIsomorphism in DAO Governance
The term ’institutional isomorphism’ refers to similarities in the structure and processes of independent organizations. In the past, the spread of information and the adoption of similar practices was slower and often limited to organizations within a single country or region. But in the newly emerging institutional field of blockchain networks and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), which benefit from near-instant global communications via the Internet, isomorphism develops much faster.
Read moreThe Original Sin
We are working to build permissionless, open tech. Most of the process is open, but the part that remains the most closed and shrouded in secrecy is the early-stage financing. While this is in-part regulatorily and social norms driven, the more sinister component is insiders can disproportionately tilt the scales in their favor while keeping the details hidden from public view. The more early-stage investors get away with edgy behavior, the more emboldened and empowered they become, to the point where this power becomes detrimental to the health of the space as a whole.
Read moreReplicating Market Makers
We present a method for constructing Constant Function Market Makers (CFMMs) whose portfolio value functions matches a desired payoff. More specifically, we show that the space of concave, nonnegative, nondecreasing, 1-homogeneous payoff functions and the space of convex CFMMs are equivalent; in other words, every CFMM has a concave, nonnegative, nondecreasing, 1-homogeneous payoff function, and every payoff function with these properties has a corresponding convex CFMM. We demonstrate a simple method for recovering a CFMM trading function that produces this desired payoff. This method uses only basic tools from convex analysis and is intimately related to Fenchel conjugacy. We demonstrate our result by constructing trading functions corresponding to basic payoffs, as well as standard financial derivatives such as options and swaps.
Read moreSystemic Risk Mitigation in DeFi
DeFi is not about rebuilding finance as we know it; it’s about building a better finance. History has shown that without appropriate rules, safeguards, and behavioral norms, financial markets become more prone to fraud, pro-cyclical excess, and crises. Occasionally, these crises take systemic proportions, threatening the stability of the economic system as a whole. A popular analogy for thinking about systemic risk in the financial sector is fire and building safety. While the analogy is far from perfect, perhaps there are lessons that today’s financial innovators can learn from the historical evolution of fire and building safety?
Read moreA Note on Privacy in Constant Function Market Makers
Constant function market makers (CFMMs) such as Uniswap, Balancer, Curve, and mStable, among many others, make up some of the largest decentralized exchanges on Ethereum and other blockchains. Because all transactions are public in current implementations, a natural next question is if there exist similar decentralized exchanges which are privacy-preserving; i.e., if a transaction’s quantities are hidden from the public view, then an adversary cannot correctly reconstruct the traded quantities from other public information. In this note, we show that privacy is impossible with the usual implementations of CFMMs under most reasonable models of an adversary and provide some mitigating strategies.
Read moreRe-Decentralizing Git with Radicle 🌱
Radicle is a new kind of code collaboration network built entirely on open protocols. At the core of it there is a peer-to-peer code network built on Git. It allows developers to host and manage open source software projects on a decentralized network of nodes owned by their peers, instead of centralized platforms like GitHub owned by companies like Microsoft. This is especially important in today’s world, where the power to control information, including code, lies in the hands of the few.
Read moreOptimal Fees for Geometric Mean Market Makers
Constant Function Market Makers (CFMMs) are a family of automated market makers that enable censorship-resistant decentralized exchange on public blockchains. Arbitrage trades have been shown to align the prices reported by CFMMs with those of external markets. These trades impose costs on Liquidity Providers (LPs) who supply reserves to CFMMs. Trading fees have been proposed as a mechanism for compensating LPs for arbitrage losses. However, large fees reduce the accuracy of the prices reported by CFMMs and can cause reserves to deviate from desirable asset compositions. CFMM designers are therefore faced with the problem of how to optimally select fees to attract liquidity. We develop a framework for determining the value to LPs of supplying liquidity to a CFMM with fees when the underlying process follows a general diffusion. Our approach also allows one to select optimal fees for maximizing LP value.
Read moreWhen Does the Tail Wag the Dog? Curvature and Market Making
CFMMs and associated protocols, which were historically very small markets, now constitute the most liquid trading venues for a large number of crypto assets. But what does it mean for a CFMM to be the most liquid market? In this paper, we propose a basic definition of price sensitivity and liquidity. We show that this definition is tightly related to the curvature of a CFMM's trading function and can be used to explain a number of heuristic results. For example, we show that low-curvature markets are good for coins whose market value is approximately fixed and that high-curvature markets are better for liquidity providers when traders have an informational edge. Additionally, the results can also be used to model interacting markets and explain the rise of incentivized liquidity provision, also known as 'yield farming.'
Read moreThe Great Automaton
The ability to invent and use tools is a defining attribute of Homo sapiens that led to the emergence of civilization. An important concept for framing the subsequent effects of technology on society is automation: any technique that reduces the need for human assistance in performing a task or completing a process. The connection between automation and progress is well understood. Although formulated in a different context, a quote from more than a century ago by the philosopher and mathematician Alfred North Whitehead sums it up nicely: “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them.”
Read moreCan one hear the shape of a CFMM? (Part 1)
The rise of Uniswap in 2019 was a watershed moment for DeFi trading. Uniswap’s simplicity, gas efficiency, and expert-defying performance quickly made it the dominant venue for on-chain exchange. The launch of Curve in the early part of this year demonstrated that even small changes in the design of constant-function market makers (CFMMs) can lead to drastic improvements in capital efficiency and performance. In particular, Curve pioneered a locally flatter curve that offered lower slippage for stablecoin-to-stablecoin trading. This tweak allowed Curve to capture significant trading volumes while routinely outcompeting established exchanges and OTC desks. As a result of Curve’s success, curvature is increasingly recognized as an integral component of the design space of CFMMs. Nonetheless, the precise effects of the choice of curvature on the behavior of the market have not been studied in depth.
Read moreTen Theses on Decentralized Network Governance
Based on my research over the past couple of years, I’ve put together a list of ten theses on decentralized network governance, including base layer public blockchain networks and applications (smart contracts) running on top of them. The ten ideas are listed from the more general and theoretical (descriptive) to the more specific and practical (prescriptive). The first five are revised summaries of my previous writing; the latter five are derived from more recent observations.
Read moreStop Burning Tokens – Buyback and Make Instead
In most “buyback-and-burn” token models, a network generates income in one currency token and uses the proceeds to buy-back and “burn” its own native token. The intent is to grow token value by reducing its supply as income grows. Buybacks tend to accomplish that goal, but burning affects currency and capital assets in different ways. When it comes to money, reducing the supply does theoretically increase the unit value of currency assets. But when it comes to capital assets like governance tokens, issuance is key to capitalization and burning can get in the way of growing fundamental value.
Read moreZcash Thesis
Many folks in crypto today think about privacy backwards; instead of making sure their assets are private, they make the mistake of solely fixating on transactions being private. This is why we see people sending assets through mixers or coin-tumblers, only to return to transparent and trackable addresses, defeating the point of the mixer. Zooko Wilcox, a core contributing member of the Zcash community, voiced the confusion as follows: “You have to *store* your crypto in a private cryptosystem if you want privacy. Then it is safe to *move* it through a transparent system! Unfortunately, almost everyone has this backwards.”
Balancer Thesis
Balancer is a new financial primitive that combines asset management and decentralized exchange. For investors, Balancer currently offers indexed management of cryptoassets. Instead of paying fees to portfolio managers, investors earn fees for contributing their assets to Balancer pools. For traders, Balancer is a permissionless and non-custodial trading venue with competitive prices where the fees from trading increase returns for the asset depositors. In conventional finance, this would be akin to smashing Fidelity asset management together with NASDAQ’s exchange, funneling NASDAQ’s trading profits to Fidelity’s asset holders.
Read moreFOSS Governance and Blockchain Networks
The principles of free and open source software (FOSS) are fundamental to the ethos of the communities building blockchain networks. While it is not uncommon for a single organization or small group of core developers to coordinate and deliver most of the work, the source code is generally open for everyone to inspect and improve upon. Control is maintained not by keeping software proprietary, but through social and institutional means, including ideological discourse, community management, and trademark license agreements. Despite the unique governance challenges from issuing network-specific assets to operators, investors, users, or other stakeholders, there are important similarities between blockchain networks and traditional FOSS projects. Existing research on FOSS governance may therefore prove helpful in designing blockchain governance systems.
Read moreWhy Stake When You Can Borrow?
As smart contract platforms autonomously manage billions of dollars of capital, quantifying the portfolio risk that investors engender in these systems is increasingly important. Recent work illustrates that Proof of Stake (PoS) is vulnerable to financial attacks arising from on-chain lending and has worse capital efficiency than Proof of Work (PoW). Numerous methods for improving capital efficiency have been proposed that allow stakers to create fungible derivative claims on their staked assets. In this paper, we construct a unifying model for studying the security risks of these proposals.
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