Liquidity Provider Returns in Geometric Mean Markets

Geometric mean market makers (G3Ms), such as Uniswap and Balancer, comprise a popular class of automated market makers (AMMs) defined by the following rule: the reserves of the AMM before and after each trade must have the same (weighted) geometric mean. This paper extends several results known for constant-weight G3Ms to the general case of G3Ms with time-varying and potentially stochastic weights. These results include the returns and no-arbitrage prices of liquidity pool (LP) shares that investors receive for supplying liquidity to G3Ms. Using these expressions, we show how to create G3Ms whose LP shares replicate the payoffs of financial derivatives.

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A Superior Financial System

In the process of capitalizing itself into relevance, this boom of crypto capital has built a native financial system to account for its very own bootstrapping. While the other revolutionary technologies no doubt led to evolution within the existing financial system, none of them built an entirely new financial system from scratch. Instead, they remained reliant on existing financial systems, placing power in predictable hands. Blockchains can be thought of as 21st century accounting and production systems owned by “the people,” and so it follows that the space has pioneered a new financial system to displace the old.

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Institutional Participation in Token-Weighted Network Governance

Blockchain enthusiasts often criticize traditional institutions for their tendency to concentrate resources and decision-making authority. But token-weighted governance without system design features that counteract centralization are clearly open to similar criticisms. As a result, large token holders are faced with a dilemma: abstain from participation to stay true to the ethos of decentralization, or seek to govern in a way that doesn’t disproportionately benefit powerful actors at the expense of other stakeholders.

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Magic Authentication

Magic is a passwordless authentication system. It starts with “magic links,” where you’re e-mailed a login link instead of providing the usual username and password. Magic makes it quick and easy for developers to implement this model in any application. Peek behind the scenes, and you’ll find a robust security platform built on secure hardware and user-owned encryption that paves the way for broader adoption of Web 3.0 technologies.

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Proof of Liquidity

In a standard proof-of-stake system, the more people stake, the more tokens are taken out of circulation. This may seem good for the price of the token, but in many cases insufficient liquidity can get in the way of network growth. So we should look for ways to create a direct, positive relationship between staking and liquidity. One idea is to use Balancer pool tokens as proofs of liquidity that can be staked in place of the network’s token, such that its liquidity grows together with staking. 

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Aragon DAOs

DAOs collapse the cost of creating and managing organizations by replacing slow and expensive paper contracts with fast and cheap smart contracts. With lower costs and higher speeds we unlock new levels of organizational scale. Think of it as a spectrum: on one side of the range we can have a larger number of smaller organizations in cases where setting up a legal entity is far too expensive to be worth it. On the other end, we can create mega-organizations that would also be too expensive, or downright impossible to manage with paper. On either side, we can both capture underserved markets and create completely new ones.

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Erasure Thesis

Information is a strange good: it’s created in unpredictable ways, you can’t know if it’s good until you have it, and it can be reproduced at no cost by anyone who does have it. This makes it hard for markets to price and distribute its value. But we can use crypto to address these challenges. Erasure is a new protocol for exchanging valuable information on the internet. It uses encryption, smart contracts, and staking with the Numeraire token (NMR) to create a trusted, decentralized venue for exchanging data.

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On Autonomous Software

This article is a comment on Lane Rettig’s essay Autonocrats and Anthropocrats, connecting its central themes to two fundamental concepts in social sciences — the rule of law and social structure. It explains how the most informative analogue to a decentralized network of nodes running autonomous software is society itself. Digital record-keeping and distributed computer networks are comparable to other institutions with effects beyond the control of their creators, administrators, and users. As such, they represent an important area of research not only for computer scientists and software engineers but also for social and political theorists whose expertise could be usefully applied to the design and governance of these emerging systems.

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Aragon (ANT) Economics

Over the last three years, Aragon has built a suite of governance tools that allow any organization to legitimately and transparently manage activities like community voting, treasury management, organization ownership, and contributor payroll. It takes less than five minutes and a few dollars to set up your own entity, with six templates to choose from and governance as simple as drag-and-drop. Organizations using these tools exist within Aragon’s digital jurisdiction. To further establish the rules of its jurisdiction, and resolve disputes within and between organizations, the team built the Aragon Court, which is now live on mainnet. To govern the jurisdiction, incentivize jurors in the court, and operate the infrastructure processing transactions, Aragon has a native governance asset (ANT), as well as derivative capital assets designed for specific purposes (ANJ, ARA).

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Thin Applications

Big Web companies tend to expand their platforms and monopolize information by locking users into proprietary interfaces. Cryptonetworks, on the other hand, tend to provide single services, and can’t “own” the interface because they don’t control the data. Specialization helps because the more decentralized a network, the harder it is to coordinate a complete suite of services under a single interface like Google, Facebook, or Amazon do. So instead, consumer applications in crypto are independently built on top of multiple protocols using what we could call a cryptoservices architecture (like microservices, but with sovereign components). 

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How Much Does a Crypto-Vote Cost?

In cryptonetworks where a token provides some kind of voting power (e.g. a DAO or proof-of-stake), we might determine the cost of each vote by calculating how much interest it would cost to borrow that token in secondary lending markets for the duration of the vote. This idea highlights the important role of time as a variable in the governance process, because the longer the period one needs to borrow the token to vote, the more expensive it is in terms of interest paid. If this is true, we can use this insight to design stronger governance systems. Protocols can’t control second-market interest rates, but they can influence the “cost of governance” by manipulating how much time it takes to complete the voting process. 

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The DeFi Déjà Vu

There are important patterns in the historical development of finance, most notably systemic crises associated with the collapse of asset prices or income flows and the recurring interplay between financial innovation and regulation. Understanding these relationships can help the architects of open and automated crypto-financial services, known as DeFi, to assess potential risks and prepare for different economic and regulatory scenarios. This article highlights some relevant historical precedents and considers the potential long-term implications of this latest wave of financial innovation.

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A remarkable and underappreciated consequence of the emergence of decentralized finance or DeFi is the way it is helping clarify the difference between a world where consumers control their own data and one where that data is locked up in a centralized service or platform. A number of months ago, Joel demonstrated this to me by using Zerion’s application to take out a loan on Maker and then repaying that loan through another application interface. On the surface, this may not seem much different than using any digital bank to take out a loan or buy or sell a security, but as someone who first used digital media inside the walled garden of AOL, I understood immediately this difference was profound.

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Zcash's Network Upgrade 4: The Final Stretch of Decisions

Placeholder recently withdrew its governance proposal for Zcash’s Network Upgrade 4 (NU4), choosing to review and endorse other candidates based on our due diligence. For the uninitiated that may be reading this, NU4 will define the Zcash network’s allocation of block rewards to researchers, software contributors and other non-miner laborers. These policies will apply during Zcash’s second coinbase reward epoch, October 2020 to October 2024, and set a precedent for what Zcash’s stakeholders can expect from the network going forward. We think of the governance components of NU4 as a type of constitutional amendment to the Zcash protocol, and have been impressed with the rigor of ideas and debate that community members have displayed through this process. 

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The Bookkeeping View of Money

The three common ways of theorizing money — as commodity, legal construction, and credit — can be effectively reconciled by considering it as a social institution for bookkeeping. This article outlines the four perspectives, lists materials for understanding each, and considers how some recent innovations in digital record-keeping fit into the picture.

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How To Think About Value

One way to think about “value” is through the lens of costs. The basic principle is that markets allocate value along the lines of costs as they trend to equilibrium. So we can estimate the overall behavior of future value by studying its associated cost structure. To establish this logic we’ll review some fundamental principles of economics (primarily equilibrium and MB=MC) and piece apart what we mean by “costs”. Then we’ll apply this insight to reason about the nature of value capture and investment returns in crypto.

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Fire before Growth: The Likely Fate of Ethereum Killers

In the coming quarters, a high density of “Ethereum Killers” (EKs) plan to launch their mainnets, and in so doing, release their assets to the public crypto markets. The transition of price discovery from the private to public markets will be an important one to watch and understand, especially considering many EKs carry billion-dollar anticipated launch values. 

To follow, I’ll reason through my expectations for asset prices and the prices of services offered by EKs. While maximalists may dismiss this as hopeless investigation of shitcoins, I expect the behavior of newly launched EKs to impact the development of the sideways market we’re currently in, as well as the bull market to come.

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Protocols as Minimally Extractive Coordinators

A recent Flipside Crypto post alarmed me when it stated the following: “Despite labeling themselves as decentralized networks, protocols, foundations, and frameworks, cryptocurrency projects are, in fact, businesses – that will fail to succeed if they don’t start thinking of themselves that way awfully fast.” I respect Flipside and what they’re working towards with the Fundamental Crypto Asset Score (FCAS), but fear that encouraging protocols to think of themselves exclusively as businesses will defeat the promise of protocols in the first place.

Protocols provide structure for businesses, but are not businesses themselves; they are systems of logic that coordinate exchange between suppliers (businesses) and consumers of a service.  As coordinators of exchange, protocols should be minimally extractive, whereas businesses are incentivized to be maximally extractive (that’s profit, and a business is valued as a multiple of its profit). 

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Ethereum and The Seven Dwarfs

People in the 1960s computer industry would say the market was IBM “and the seven dwarfs” in reference to the other popular computer makers: Burroughs, Control Data, Digital Equipment, RCA, Univac, Honeywell and GE. They all poured fortunes into developing newer and better technologies than IBM, yet none could compete with its massive distribution advantage. Ethereum is the IBM of the smart contract blockchains: it may not be the “best” technology, but it works well enough and has amassed a distribution advantage that will be hard to overcome by its competitors. 

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Web vs. Crypto Service Models

We compare web vs. crypto service models across two dimensions: the production model (from centralized to decentralized) and the data model (from custodial to non-custodial). The more decentralized and non-custodial a service, the more distributed its cost structure. This is important because markets tend to allocate value along the line of costs. So the more we decentralize the cost structure of a service, the more broadly we distribute its value.

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