Introducing the Sequencing Value Accrual Simulator

The Sequencing Value Accrual Simulator is a web-app that simulates the economic value capture for users, applications, and infrastructure players under three sequencing mechanisms: based sequencing, centralized sequencing, and application-specific sequencing. To date, the first two have been the dominant forms of sequencing, whereas the latter enables more programmable and flexible forms of value capture at the level of individual applications and their users. The Simulator is the perfect tool for developers and users alike to visualize value accrual under different assumptions.

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A Visual Guide to Sequencing Mechanisms

Sequencing is the mechanism by which incoming transactions are ordered into atomic bundles or blocks to be processed and finalized on a blockchain. All sequencing mechanisms are rooted in the concept of the write-lock, which is a fundamental concurrency control mechanism used to manage access to a shared blockchain state. Most economic value associated with sequencing flows to the actors that control the components of the write-lock, namely the execution, inclusion, and ordering guarantees of transaction data.

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The Cryptopreneur’s Dilemma

The foundations of public blockchains were laid by cypherpunks. Even though the crypto industry was always destined to harbor a variety of ideas and practices, it’s the principles of decentralization, open source software, cryptographic security, privacy, and self-sovereignty that underpin its most disruptive outputs. But there’s a problem. Absent a regulatory framework that favors innovation and legitimizes blockchains as administrative infrastructure with unique capabilities, crypto entrepreneurs have been facing a difficult choice: stay true to the purist ethos and thereby significantly complicate their project’s structure and operations, or compromise on the original ideals in return for regulatory blessings and a more conventional path to mainstream success. I call this the Cryptopreneur’s Dilemma.

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David and Goliath: How Web3 Can Compete in AI

The compute and training layers of the AI-industrial-complex are currently dominated by centralized Web2 giants that have unparalleled access to capital, state-of-the-art hardware, and vast datasets. While this will likely remain the case for the most powerful general ML models, mid-tier and bespoke models may increasingly source their compute resources from more affordable and accessible Web3 networks. Similarly, for inference needs that exceed the capabilities of personal edge devices, some consumers may turn to Web3 networks for less censored, more diverse outputs. Rather than attempting to overhaul the entire AI stack, Web3 challengers should focus on these niche use cases, and lean more heavily into their unique value proposition around censorship-resistance, transparency, and social verifiability.

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Eclipse: the Best of Solana, Ethereum, and Celestia

One way to think of the design choices within the layers is the lower down the stack we go, the more we need small machines to be able to verify the truth. By ‘small machines’ we mean a set of requirements that are widely achievable, allowing nearly anyone to verify the truth if they so desire, keeping collusion at bay. So long as these smaller machines are publishing and verifying “the truth,” then bigger machines can run execution at levels higher up the stack, achieving greater performance but not sacrificing decentralization where it matters. Intriguingly, this design means Eclipse’s transaction throughput capacity could surpass that of the Solana L1, allowing it to be home to a diverse ecosystem of its own. 

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Stable Coins, Stable Growth

The core function of blockchain networks is to securely process and maintain timestamped information records. In principle, this can be any kind of data, but the most typical example is information related to financial balances and transactions. The simplest, most common financial transaction is payment and, while most blockchains today serve multiple use cases, processing transfers of nominal units of value – such as when paying for goods, services, or other cryptoassets – remains an essential use case for all major networks. But while successful blockchains are already dominant payment networks in some niche markets, their success for everyday payments at scale is much more strongly tied to government-regulated fiat as opposed to cryptocurrencies.

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Is it time to Move beyond Solidity?

The EVM has been the most popular blockchain operating system since Ethereum launched almost a decade ago. However, few developers love developing with its native programming language, Solidity; some even compare the experience to “chewing glass.” Nevertheless, entrepreneurs choose it because it facilitates access to Ethereum’s users, assets, and liquidity. But if we want to have 10x the number of onchain applications, we must have 100x the number of developers able to build them. To do that, we have to make it much easier for the average programmer to write sophisticated smart contracts while increasing the security and scalability properties of the underlying infrastructure. That’s the central promise behind the Move programming language and the emerging ecosystem of networks that employ it.

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Saga: Open Blockspace for the Multiverse

Saga’s virtual blockchains are called Chainlets, and Chainlets are designed to be dedicated to single applications, though they could host multiple applications if preferred. Each Chainlet is a fully decentralized, proof-of-stake chain with all the properties of a L1, except the requirement for a native staking token. Current throughput of each Chainlet is 6.8 million transactions/day, or ~80 transactions/second (TPS). If an application needs more throughput, additional Chainlets are spun up to accommodate the surge in demand, allowing for elastic scaling that grows infinitely with the application’s performance needs. 

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Onchain Finance is Thriving; What’s Next?

Decentralized public blockchain networks have existed for ~15 years with the associated cryptoassets currently going through their fourth major market cycle. Throughout these years, and especially since the launch of Ethereum in 2015, considerable time and resources have been spent theorizing about and developing applications on top of these networks. While progress has been impressive in the context of financial use cases, other types of applications have struggled, mainly due to the complexity of delivering scalable and seamless user experiences within the constraints imposed by decentralization, as well as fragmentation across different ecosystems and standards. However, recent technological advancements, both within and outside the blockchain industry, have made a broader range of applications not only more feasible, but also more necessary than ever.

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Introducing Gurnoor Singh Narula

At Placeholder, I hope to relate the blockchain revolution to historical technological trends as I explore how the methods of past technological evolutions are mirrored (and can be utilized) within this cycle. More specifically, I’ll be focusing my research interests on exploring the Institutional DeFi stack, the development of on-chain treasuries, and the modular vs. monolithic debate. I’ll also start tackling the intersection of game-theoretic auction design, consensus, and MEV, while researching LVR mitigation and methods that increase LP profitability, especially with the imminent launch of Uniswap v4. On top of all of this interesting work, I’ll keep in touch with my engineering roots as I explore zk-enabled tech (everything from zkVMs to zkApps, and more) as applied research and applications catch up to the theoretical use cases being explored. 

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Institutionalization = Network Success

“Better technology doesn’t always win” is an old adage in entrepreneurship with numerous well-studied examples from business history: standard vs. wider and more performant railway track gauges, combustion vs. electrical engines for inner city car transport, Qwerty vs. Dvorak as keyboard layouts, VHS vs. Betamax as videotape formats, etc. Similarly, while it is true that solving technical problems related to scalability, privacy, cost, and user experience is essential for driving the adoption of blockchain networks, the long-term success of individual networks is not only – and, in some cases, not even primarily – a function of their relative technical merits. It’s also a function of their relative institutionalization.

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Rollups as Virtual Blockchains in The Modular Era

The pioneers of new technology must raise a lot of capital to create foundational infrastructure, which can lead to over-investment and speculative bubbles. When these bubbles burst, weak firms fail, and market power consolidates around industry leaders and their paradigms. Through this consolidation process, we can identify the common elements across applications and isolate them into standard, modular components that can be open-sourced or sold as individual services. These abstractions make it easier to build more complex applications and enable a shift from capex-dominant to opex-driven cost structures that allow new products to launch faster and with lower startup costs. This pattern is now unfolding in web3 as new “modular” technologies, such as rollups, accelerate development and unlock an era of lean startup innovation. 

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AI Belongs Onchain

As the cost of producing artificial intelligence models decreases, the population of AI agents will grow exponentially. Agents will soon outnumber humans online, creating, consuming, and exchanging multitudes more information than humans ever could. But if we get, say, a million-fold increase in digital activity, and 99% of that growth comes from machines, it will be hard to cope with this transformation without adopting onchain infrastructure and business models that both empower agents to reach their full potential and allows us to identify, control and audit their actions. 

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Ethereum and Solana

Ethereum and Solana are like Android and iOS. Android values modularity: it runs on many different types of devices made by hundreds of manufacturers worldwide; Google only makes 1-2% of them. This approach made it the world’s most popular mobile operating system, with an estimated 60-75% market share. Android’s flexibility has been a boon for hardware companies making anything from smartphones to televisions, as they can bring new products to market without investing billions into building bespoke operating systems. However, such diversity also makes it more difficult to develop apps that seamlessly work across many devices with different specs, screen sizes, and the various versions of Android these devices run.

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Placeholder is Hiring an Analyst

Placeholder is a venture capital firm that works with entrepreneurs and decentralized information networks to better distribute data, wealth, and power. We are seeking a highly motivated Analyst to join our team for a 2-year term. As an Analyst, you will work under our Head of Research, Mario Laul, to analyze private companies, public networks, and emerging trends in our industry. You will also regularly interface with the Partners – Brad Burnham, Chris Burniske, and Joel Monegro – on deal and portfolio specific items. 

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Progressive Compliance

The road to progressive decentralization runs parallel to – and will eventually intersect with – the road to progressive compliance. The challenge is that, while “decentralization” in crypto has a broadly global definition, regulation is and will likely remain a national, or at least a regional, matter. Thus, there is no universal playbook towards compliance beyond what should be obvious to anyone. But the most important task at hand is to ensure that all of the above does not come at the cost of freedom to create and maintain open-source technologies, nor at the cost of what’s essential to the value proposition of blockchains: public verifiability of information, reduced reliance on the subjectivity of human administrators (automation), and tilting the power balance between institutions and individuals in favor of the latter (self-sovereignty).

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Internet Financial System: Infinity Exchange and Beyond

When we combine expert knowledge from TradFi with an intimate understanding of blockchains, we can better tackle the institutional shortcomings of the current financial services industry. Infinity holds the core tenets of IFS central to its product roadmap, which include transparency, efficiency, and scalability. At the same time, its regulated KYC/AML front-end will open up the IFS to new pools of institutional capital. Once interest rate markets are sufficiently mature, we unlock the market for at-scale, efficient, and transparent credit, which may ultimately be benchmarked off Infinity’s yield curves. 

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Across Thesis

Across is a bridging protocol on Ethereum that transfers value between Mainnet and Ethereum layer-2s, and soon will connect to any EVM chain. It differentiates from other bridges by its fixation on efficient value transfer, and combination of financial and technological engineering to make the experience seamless for the end-user. In a space that has a tendency to over-engineer solutions, the protocol is refreshingly minimal in its approach while also providing strong security properties.

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Moving on from FTX

Like many of you, we were surprised to see the rapid collapse of FTX, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world. The complete details of what happened will take a while to unravel. We already know it’s not good. But we also know that crypto is bigger than any single company, no matter how large. And given what we’re discovering, it’s better this collapse happened now, and not years from now.

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Gyroscope Thesis

Nearly four years after releasing our MakerDAO thesis, we believe another stablecoin, this one powered by Gyroscope, has the potential to complement Maker & DAI’s formidable achievements. With the US government proposing to ban “endogenously collateralized stablecoins,” crypto would do well to get more serious about resilient, decentralized stablecoin designs, if it doesn’t want to eventually rely on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or centralized stablecoins for stable value transfer. Everything in the Gyroscope protocol has been designed with long-term stability in mind, from the resilience and liquidity of its decentralized stablecoins, to the forms of governance that are implemented to sustain the system.

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