Introducing the Sequencing Value Accrual Simulator

The Sequencing Value Accrual Simulator is a web-app that simulates the economic value capture for users, applications, and infrastructure players under three sequencing mechanisms: based sequencing, centralized sequencing, and application-specific sequencing. To date, the first two have been the dominant forms of sequencing, whereas the latter enables more programmable and flexible forms of value capture at the level of individual applications and their users. The Simulator is the perfect tool for developers and users alike to visualize value accrual under different assumptions.

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A Visual Guide to Sequencing Mechanisms

Sequencing is the mechanism by which incoming transactions are ordered into atomic bundles or blocks to be processed and finalized on a blockchain. All sequencing mechanisms are rooted in the concept of the write-lock, which is a fundamental concurrency control mechanism used to manage access to a shared blockchain state. Most economic value associated with sequencing flows to the actors that control the components of the write-lock, namely the execution, inclusion, and ordering guarantees of transaction data.

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